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Today we are coming together to launch “A plan for Jobstown” – which is the culmination of a process of consultation and dialogue – between the different interests in the community, who make up the Jobstown Neighbourhood Planning Group – and of course involving the people of the area in every age group.  The process of drawing up the plan has involved a considerable amount of work and research by many of people – and has meant that everybody who has expressed an opinion - or come up with an idea - on how the resources should be spent – has had their views taken into account.  The result of that process of consultation and deliberation is that you now have a workable plan – a plan which addresses the main requirements as you - the people of the area see them – and not as some outside body or agency would envisage.  That vital “local input” is the essence of the plan – and will be central to its successful implementation.

In coming here this morning to launch your plan – I want firstly to thank you for giving me the opportunity to be with you on this very important day for the community of Jobstown.  I also want to congratulate you on your good fortune in being selected as one of the pilot areas for environmental improvements – and especially on your willingness to rise to the challenge that it represents.  I want to pay tribute to the many people who lent their support through their participation in every stage of the plan’s preparation – from the Neighbourhood Planning Day last September – including the imaginative and innovative ‘Planning for Real’ exercise – and in the other consultation processes that took place in drafting and finalising the plan.

Arising from that exhaustive and comprehensive exercise – you now have a document which focuses on the immediate needs of the area which can be addressed under the initiative – things like the children’s play area – road usage improvements – the all-weather sports facility – and the other environmental improvements which will greatly enhance Jobstown – making it place that meets your requirements for a better quality of life – and a place of which you can all be proud.

The exercise that you have has been engaged in during the preparation of the plan has other spin-off benefits – in that there is a realisation that you yourselves are in ‘control’ of your area – you know better than anyone else what is needed – and who can provide it.  In a sense, you have embarked on an exercise from which there is no turning back. You have engaged fully in the development and enhancement of your community and the facilities that serve it. You have entered a partnership with others who have an interest in seeing things done.  In the process – you have discovered your strengths and harnessed your talents. It will prove to be an invaluable asset to the community – and the inspiration to many people in the area to reach out for new goals and to work with renewed confidence for their own community.

Having come this far – you now know that you have the potential to go further.  Even in the preparation of the plan you have identified other areas – outside the scope of the project – yet essential for the further enhancement of the quality of life in Jobstown.  Things like the cycle lanes – additional tree-planting – youth and sport facilities – further play areas for children – and the plans to promote greater resident participation in the management of their own areas. There are many “Additional Needs” listed in the plan – and they form the basis for further work by the community in partnership with the agencies concerned.  Projects such as this are not easy to complete - but perseverance pays off.

It is – I think - a sign of a healthy community – where people are prepared to row in - to lend their support and energy for the good of all - where they can pool their resources to work for each other.  It involves commitment, dedication and hard work – new partnerships and linkages between the people of the community and between the community and outside help. This is what community partnerships are all about. In the many communities that I have visited since my inauguration last November – I have been struck by the amount that has been achieved in villages, towns and cities – at community level – through partnerships with others in the community and with those in the statutory and voluntary agencies who can help in the achievement of goals. 

In launching the Plan – I would like to commend all those who made it possible – the members of the Jobstown Neighbourhood Planning Group – the artists who worked on the three-dimensional model of Jobstown – the management and staff of the local schools who facilitated the consultation processes – the staff of Jobstown Community Centre for providing the venue for the meetings of the Planning Group and for this launch - the designers, mappers, photographers, editors and proof-readers who produced the document – and the staff of URBAN.  

The Jobstown Plan is a great achievement for the community – a community that has taken a keen interest in how it will develop – and what it will need as it develops. It is the result of a lot of time, effort and commitment on the part of many of people.  This is the kind of effort that can transform a collection of houses and streets – ranks of buildings and open spaces – into a colourful community – a place which is a pleasure to live in and to be part of – a healthy and a vibrant community. It is a credit to the energy and dedication of you, the people of Jobstown.